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Notion Time Tracking

Improve time tracking and productivity with Notion and Time Doctor.

One of the best productivity tools, Notion, can be integrated with Time Doctor to offer even greater capabilities, including time tracking. For teams that work remotely or from home, Notion creates the perfect shared workspace for all that you do: taking notes, creating company knowledge bases, managing projects and tasks, and more.

Time Doctor makes Notion more efficient with an easy-to-install Chrome extension for tracking time to tasks. The Time Doctor Chrome extension inserts a timer button directly into Notion to start and stop tracking. It’s nearly effortless to use and has the power to instantly improve the way you and your team work.

In addition to time tracking, Time Doctor has optional screenshots, employee monitoring, web and app histories, distraction alerts for when users go off task, timesheets, and more. These tools will help keep your team focused while at work, but don’t let the extra monitoring options scare you. Our goal isn’t to babysit employees, but rather to help them shine like the rockstars they are. On average, companies who use Time Doctor report a 22% increase in productivity thanks to the instant accountability and the power to analyze time use.

How to use Notion with Time Doctor.

Getting started is easy. Simply sign up for Time Doctor and install the Chrome extension. Watch this quick video to learn how to begin.

A few reminders:

  • Users must be set up as interactive – not silent – to use the Chrome extension.

  • Time tracking for tasks must be enabled in the Time Doctor dashboard under Settings -> Company Settings if this wasn’t already done during setup.

  • Integrations must also be enabled by an admin during setup or in the dashboard under Settings -> Integrations.

  • Once installed, users will see a timer button in Notion as well as in many of the other apps used each day (such as Google Apps and more). We understand that most days are multifaceted, requiring that you move back and forth between different programs and tasks, so we’ve made this easy. A simple click on the timer inserted directly into each program will work wonders by recording time used and analyzing productivity.

Notion time tracking with Time Doctor.

Once you and your team start using Time Doctor, your time use reports will be available for analysis in the Time Doctor dashboard. These reports can be broken down by day, week, or month to figure out which tasks take the most time or waste valuable resources. Users have access to individual reports while project managers can view reports on employees and teams.

Time tracking in Notion and your other favorite apps will help teams plan better, create realistic project deadlines, and decrease administrative work through automated timesheets. You and your team only have a certain amount of time each day, so make the most of it! After all, time is money and neither should be wasted.

With Notion and Time Doctor, you can improve team collaboration, manage your work better, and watch your productivity soar.

But wait, there's more!

Web & App Usage Two

See how much time your employees spend on each website and application they use.

Client Login

Let your clients log in to see the time tracked on their projects.

Poor Time Use Report

See how long each employee has spent on websites that are not work-related.

Work Schedules

Set up schedules for employees and track their attendance.


Easily pay your employees based on either hours tracked or on fixed salaries.


Our popups help users put their focus back on their work.


Our API allows your own software application to interact directly with Time Doctor.

And much more...

Read more about the full range of optional features that Time Doctor provides.