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Zoho Desk Time Tracking

Track time spent by your team on different Zoho Desk tickets with Time Doctor.

The Time Doctor chrome extension for Zoho Desk makes both living up to your customer expectations and managing your team’s performance easier. Your employees can sign in to their Time Doctor account right from the widget and track shift hours spent on resolving tickets. Work hour entries logged in the widget will sync with the overall work hours tracked using the Time Doctor app.

The Time Doctor chrome extension enables Zoho Desk users to:

  • Get a shift-based break summary of your employee's productivity from their clocked work hours.

  • Get real-time information that helps you find out which tickets consume a lot of work hours.

  • Capture ticket details and ensure that the time tracked is for the ticket being resolved.

How does it work?

Create a free Time Doctor account, download the Time Doctor desktop application and install the Time Doctor’s Chrome extension from the Chrome store. The Time Doctor timer button will automatically appear in all Zoho Desk tickets. Click on the Time Doctor’s browser extension to reveal the timer’s dropdown. Here you can check your current time entry or stop your timer.

The time tracking data is synced with your Time Doctor account in real-time in the cloud. This data can be accessed on the Time Doctor web app.

Integration with over 60 Tools

The Time Doctor chrome extension lets you track time in your favorite web tools and wherever you are on the web. The extension integrates with leading CRM, Project Management, Helpdesk and Collaboration tools so you can see exactly what your team is working on and how much time they spend on each task. In addition to its integrations, Time Doctor’s API allows your own software application to interact directly with Time Doctor. This gives you the freedom to manipulate the data from your Time Doctor account in almost any way you want.

With features like productivity measuring, off-track alerts, online timesheets, payroll, integrations, it’s the ultimate tool to help you stay focused on work. The range of options available for user and team settings, company and account settings, and email report settings allows you to customize Time Doctor according to your needs.

But wait, there's more!

Web & App Usage Two

See how much time your employees spend on each website and application they use.

Client Login

Let your clients log in to see the time tracked on their projects.

Poor Time Use Report

See how long each employee has spent on websites that are not work-related.

Work Schedules

Set up schedules for employees and track their attendance.


Easily pay your employees based on either hours tracked or on fixed salaries.


Our popups help users put their focus back on their work.


Our API allows your own software application to interact directly with Time Doctor.

And much more...

Read more about the full range of optional features that Time Doctor provides.